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上一条: 英语热词:薛蛮子涉嫌“嫖娼” 下一条: 英语新词:北京“清洁空气行动计划”



Internet users who share false information that is defamatory or harms the national interest face up to three years in prison if their posts are viewed over 5,000 times or forwarded over 500 times, under a judicial interpretation released on Monday.


此次“两高”发布的司法解释(judicial interpretation)为惩治利用网络实施诽谤等犯罪提供了明确的法律标尺(define the criteria for convicting and sentencing offenders who spread rumors online that defame individuals or organizations)。

司法解释规定,捏造或篡改损害他人名誉的事实(concoct or edit information that damages an individual's or organization's reputation),并在网络上散布或通过他人在网络上散布的行为将以诽谤罪(libel)定罪处罚。

司法解释还规定了几个情节严重的情形(serious cases),包括:诽谤信息实际被点击、浏览次数达到5000次以上,或者被转发次数达到500次以上的(posts viewed over 5,000 times or forwarded over 500 times);造成被害人或者其近亲属精神失常、自残、自杀等严重后果的(having a significant negative effect on victims or their families, such as mental illness, self –mutilation or suicide)等。以上严重违法行为将面临最高三年的入狱处罚。

司法解释规定,引发群体性事件(causing a mass incident);引发公共秩序混乱(disturbing public order);引发民族、宗教冲突(inciting ethnic and religious conflicts);诽谤多人,造成恶劣社会影响(multiple cases of libel);以及损害国家形象,严重危害国家利益(damaging the State's image)等行为将按“严重危害社会秩序和国家利益(gravely harmed social order or the national interest)”的情形处理。

    发表时间:[ 2013/9/11 ] 浏览次数: [ 3869 ]
上一条: 英语热词:薛蛮子涉嫌“嫖娼” 下一条: 英语新词:北京“清洁空气行动计划”
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