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上一条: 联合国潘基文2013年国际宽容日致辞 下一条: 中式英语的尴尬:为何总会“不礼貌”?


Do you know what is the best time to submit a job application?


This is a great question and one I've pondered before myself. While it's important to jump on a listing as soon as you can get your material together, I don't think there is any reason to get hung up on the time of day you submit your initial correspondence or application.


Each hiring manager will have his or her own process for reviewing the applications that come in and a set deadline for filling the position. I believe it's more important to make sure your cover letter is flawlessand that your correspondence is impressive than it is to be concerned with the time you submit it. On the off chance the hiring manager is the type of person who pays attention to the time you submit your application, sending an email early in the morning —as in between 6 and 9 a.m. —could be impressive because it says you are an enthusiastic early bird.


That being said, make sure to keep the hiring manager's schedulein mind if you decided to make a follow-up call. My advice in that case is to call during business hours on a lower stress day of the week like Tuesday or Wednesday and plan what you will say in advance.


    发表时间:[ 2013/11/23 ] 浏览次数: [ 2226 ]
上一条: 联合国潘基文2013年国际宽容日致辞 下一条: 中式英语的尴尬:为何总会“不礼貌”?
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